The On Patrol Podcast

A collaboration in the pursuit of the wargaming hobby by sharing knowledge, producing hobby results, playing wargames, and ABOVE ALL enjoying the process.

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Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Wyndehurst Productions and the Fightin Kentuckian take a deep dive inside the Warlord Games newest ruleset of armored combat in WW2. After playing an accumulative 12 games, we feel we can give an honest account of this new rule set.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

In this episode Fighting Kentuckian and Wyndehurst Productions conduct their first interview. Our guest is Peter Van Dop, creator of the BelloLudi family of rules. From their website: "BelloLudi wants to make wargaming accessible to everyone. Therefor we offer easy to learn rules, each with the flavor of the period. easy to learn, fun to play, but with deeper levels than seen at first sight." This thinking is right in line with the goals of On Patrol, to grow the hobby by bringing in new people. We hope you enjoy this episode and give the rules a look, we highly recommend them. BelloLudi sight: we Highly

Sunday Jan 28, 2024

Join Wyndehust Productions and the Fightin Kentuckian as they take a hard look at what makes Historical Wargaming controversial and analyze the validity of the concerns. By discussing topics such as the sanctity of human life, symbolism and depraved acts on the table, they try to peal back the layers of miss information and ignorance to get at the truth of reality. 

Monday Dec 25, 2023

In this episode we look back 2023 and how far our hobby and this podcast has gone. We also talk about what 2024 looks like for our hobby and for the future of this podcast. 

Thursday Nov 30, 2023

Change is almost inevitable in the world…and the same is true about wargaming rulesets. So how do authors avoid the dreaded problem of making something stale…..or even worse making the tiny change that implodes the system on itself. In this Episode Wyndhurst Productions and Fightin Kentuckian wanted to examine one of the most popular Blackpowder skirmish rulesets set in the North America during the 18th Century…..and how this ruleset evolved in it’s 2nd version to new frontiers (Europe?), card decks, command points.  With almost a decade in version 1, and over 3 years in version 2..lets take a deep dive  into both of these versions, talk about our likes and dislikes…and if the ruleset stands up to the brave new frontier of changes…or maybe ends of scalped at the bottom of the bin.

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023

In this Episode we are going to dive into the often-overlooked world of basing. You’ve spent all that time on your impressive army or skirmish force, and now you have to think about those last finishing touches for the tabletop. But where is your army fighting? What is the dirt? Sand? Grass look like? Urban basing? Also, most importantly…what are the dimensions of the base? “Oh that’s easy enough,” you retort. “The rules spell it out for me.” Is that the only ruleset you’ll play with that army? Does it give you the most flexibility for that army? Can you maneuver it on the tabletop easily? WP production and I will tackle all of these questions and much more on this episode of On Patrol

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023

In this episode we discuss how painting the miniatures we want to play with can either be a stress reliever or a stress inducer. We focus in on how your workstation contributes to these concepts as well as other tips and tricks we use to help make this part of the hobby just as enjoyable as the gaming side.

Monday Jul 31, 2023

We compare two popular WW2 Skirmish rules, Bolt Action by Warlord Games and Chain of Command by Too Fat Lardies. We provide an in-depth look at their strengths, weaknesses, layout, mechanics, support, and much more. By then end you should have a good idea of what types of game play you can get from each set and which might best suit your play style.

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023

Fightin Kentuckian and Wyndehurst Productions the importance of having terrain in our historical wargames,. They also discuss what what the right quantity and quality looks like to them, and ways you can go about sourcing your terrain.

Tuesday May 30, 2023

Wyndehurst Productions and Fightin Kentuckian discuss the skills and processes for how they get wargaming projects done. 

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